A close-up of the Great Sphinx of Giza with a pyramid in the background under a cloudy sky. Travelers looking for tips for visiting the Pyramids of Giza will find this giza pyramids guide helpful in understanding the history and significance of these ancient wonders.

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  1. Would you suggest staying in Cairo or Giza? It sounds like it would be nice to be able to walk to the pyramids, yet also quite crowded in Giza.

  2. After reading your blog post, I think visiting the Pyramids of Giza are totally worth it. Based on the information you shared, I would definitely want to hire a guide to get the most out of my experience but would probably skip the camel ride.

  3. The Pyramids are near the top of my bucket list, and I have to agree with you. It would be an absolute disservice to skip out on the last Wonder of the Ancient World! Your photography is wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

  4. These are great tips, and I don’t like being hassled, especially when traveling solo. Thanks for sharing. I hope to visit Egypt this year

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