An overflowing suitcase with clothing spilling out, indicating packing too much. This image serves as a cautionary example of how not to overpack and highlights the importance of avoiding overpacking for vacation or a trip.

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  1. If you plan your itinerary with some thought, you can stay in hotels and/or vacation rentals and alternate to the vacation rental with laundry facilities during your vacation.

  2. I am a chronic over-packer! This post is super helpful- I have a 2-week trip to Italy in November and we are only allowed one suitcase. Cutting back on the toiletries and finding some 2 in 1 products will really help.

  3. Great advice – most I’ve internalized now. 😅 But it can be a struggle – those “what if” scenarios haunt me for days before I leave. I’m packing for a 7-week trip now, and I appreciate your reminder to not duplicate! ONE is enough!

  4. I somehow manage to either over pack or under pack. I’ll bring 3 pairs of shorts but just wear my one favorite 3x haha it’s especially challenging to pack when you go on a trip of multi climates. When we visited the Galapagos Islands it was SO HOT but when we went to Cotopaxi it was SO COLD. So we essentially had to pack for all the different weather types lol

  5. I love all these tips and feel good that I pretty much abide by the majority of them, especially test packing! But one thing I’ve never thought of doing is taking photos of the planned outfits that way I can actually picture what I have in my bag! So genius!

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